How Many People Love The KadeMister :D

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mah Brothas From Other Mothers

Well here we have mah bros from other hoes. On the left is Ashton, on the right is Glitch, and in the middle is of course, meh. These dudes are freaking awesome. End Of Story.
P.s. im writing in pink because I love these whores :]

Bleue Family Pishure

Well here we have SOME of the billion people that are in Bleue Family. As you can see i am the hawt one with the butterfly and red top hat ^_^. BLEUE FAMILY RULES!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Well when I was heading back home from basketball practice, I saw a real estate sign with this realtor's name on it which was, Evalyn Sackrider. Lmao, what an unfortanute name XD.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Welcome Back Maya!!!

Well today Maya came back and I AM SO EFFING HAPPY. Now I can finally add her to my banged scrapbook, jk. But anyways shes back and now im a happier person and i can stop stabbing people, jk again. LOVE YOU MAYA <3

Monday, March 14, 2011

Yeeeuuhh Buddy!

Im not a third wheel anymore!!!! ^_^

Kade is a third wheel :D

Well my two lover friends, Ashton and Tina(she hates me when I call her that), are sitting on top of my Love Swang I got in my room, and Im all off to the side like an outcast XD.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mah Secwet Lovah XD

Well this is a picture of my friend dragon and me in our smexy poses on my love swing. Thats right, be jealous.

Fire Cracker Wars That Please People

Well me, Savanna, my friend Dragon, and that other girl, were in this beastly house of races when we decide to take this awesome picture, as you can see. Savanna and I were firing fire crackers off at one another (dont try this at home) and the 2 weirdos at the top were trying to hold each others hand but epically failed XD.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Well not too much happened today, a girl asked me out who went out with my brother, hung out with mah buddies, Savanna, Paiden, and loads more...oh and hung out with Stacy, my girlyfriend. SO its been a pretty good day, and im not a dumb ass Savanna!